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Vardimir Kovacic

Vardimir Kovacic

Race: Human
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6 ft 4 in
Weight: 176 lbs


24 Joymoons 2067 IR


VAR-duh-meer KOE-va-chik

Distinguishing Marks

Face burned and ravaged

Appears In

A Lake Most Deep
The Eyes of a Doll
Where Now the Rider
"The Incomparable Treasure," first published in No Game for Knights

Vardimir Kovacic is a member of the kral run by Gibroz Kasun in Achrida, Dassaretum Province, Empire of Makhaira.

He serves as the doorwarden to Gibroz's gambling den in the Stracara.

He was originally born in Basilopolis, Empire of Makhaira.

From the Books

"His face had been ravaged, like a thousand ravens had pecked at his eyes… and missed."
- "The Incomparable Treasure," first published in No Game for Knights
