Founded: 583 IR
Continent: Southwest Allyria
Realm: Empire of Makhaira
Province: Basilopolis
Governor: Philandros Sophokrates
Basilopolis is the largest city on Eard and the capital of the Empire of Makhaira. Despite the fact that it is merely the city and surrounding environs, Basilopolis is considered an Imperial province with its own governor, Philandros Sophokrates.
It was founded in 583 IR on the ruins of the ancient city of Makhair by Basil II Makrembolites, Emperor of Sabinia, the Old Empire, as it expanded to the east. By 591 IR, Basil II had had enough of the bureaucracy and politics of Sabine, and moved his Imperial court to Basilopolis.
Its prime strategic position on the Gulf of Doris leading to the Volturnian Sea to south, Basilopolis was already expanding quickly into a large trading city. Over two hundred thousand people live in Basilopolis now.