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Sevenish Language

Continents: Northern Karelia
Realm: Seven Kingdoms

Sevenish is the language spoken in the Seven Kingdoms. It bears many similarities to Kreisic and Svellheimish since all three derive from Nordmannish.




AEsc (ash): One of the runes in the Sevenish alphabet. It represents the vowel sound heard in "ash," as well as the tree of the same name, and the rune is also worn as a charm of blessing from most gods in the Nordmannic Mythology.

AEtheling (ETH-e-ling): Prince or high noble.


Benchright (bench-right): A word common to both Sevenish and Svellheimish. It is the agreement between a lord and a retainer in both realms. The retainer promises service to the lord in whatever capacity they agree, while the lord in return promises a seat on the benches in his hall. This may not sound like much, but it carries the expectation the lord will feed, clothe, and shelter those who have sworn to him.

Bretwalda (BRET-wall-da): The Bretwalda is the high king of the Seven Kingdoms. In the past few centuries, this title has fallen upon the Burhealdor of Brunanburh by virtue of Brunanburh's size and wealth, though that has not always been the case.

Burhealdor (burg-elder): It literally means "fortress-elder," and is the title for those who serve as mayor of a town or city or a governor of a region.


Carl (carl): A trained warrior. In Svellheimish, it is spelled "karl."

Ceorl (churl): A free man or woman. Most have sworn an oath to an aetheling, ealdorman, or thegn to provide some sort of service.

Cwen (kwen): Queen.

Cyning (KIN-ing): King.


Ealdorman (el-DOR-mahn): A high noble of the Seven Kingdoms. Is applied to both men and women. One of their primary roles is to rule a hundred.

Ealdmodor (eld-MO-dor): Its basic meaning is "grandmother." As grandmothers are often keepers of wisdom and history, it often also implies someone with such knowledge.

Eoten (EH-oh-ten): Nordmannic word for giant. See Jotun.


Fyrd (feared): The most numerous warriors of the Seven Kingdoms. They are generally lightly armored and are armed predominantly with spears and saxes. Often the serve only part of the year and during times of emergency.


Galdorcrafter (GAL-dor-craft-er): An enchanter.

Guestright (guest-right): A word common to both Sevenish and Svellheimish. It is the implied agreement between a lord and a guest in his hall in both realms. A guest must act respectfully to the host and his people, goods, and gods. A host must in turn protect the guest against any harm, whether from the host’s retainers, someone else, or forces beyond the host’s control.


Hacksilver (hack-SYLL-ver): A form of wealth common in the Kreisens, the Seven Kingdoms, and Svellheim. They are strips of silver scored so that smaller portions of the strip may be hacked off.

Hleowstona (HLAY-oh-stow-na): A heatstone. See Magic Items.

Huscarl (HOOSE-carl): A trained warrior sworn to a house or a thegn.

Hundred (HUN-dred): Small region of approximately 100 acres.


Leorner (LAY-er-ner): A runelord.

Liffrea (li-FRAY-ah): A healer, though the training specific to the Seven Kingdoms gives them some ability to work with plants as well as creatures.


Sax (sax): A long knife. In the Seven Kingdoms, these knives are also symbols of a free man, and the bestowal of such a knife is surrounded by many customs and traditions.

Scipfyrd (ship-FEARED): Local warriors trained in shipboard combat.

Scop (showp): Bard or performer.


Thegithu (THEY-gith-oo): Curse meaning "shut up."

Thegn (thane): A class of retainers who have sworn benchright to a lord in the Seven Kingdoms. Most often, they serve in military roles, but many serve as burhealdors.


Winingas (wih-NEEN-gahs): Strips of cloth used to wrap around the foot and calf.

Wyrdwita (WEIRD-whi-ta): A moiramancer.