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Kreisic Language

Kreisic Language

Continent: Karelia
Realms: The Kreisens

Kreisic is the language spoken in the Kreisens. It bears many similarities to Sevenish and Svellheimish since all three derive from Nordmannish.




Arschloch (ARSH-lok): Curse meaning "asshole."


Bladmann (BLAD-mahn): Literally, "blade-man." It is the term for a leader of an einheit. The feminine form is bladfrau. The plural form is bladmaenner.


Depp (dep): Curse meaning "idiot."

Dreckskerl (DREX-kerl): Curse meaning "son of a bitch."

Drucht (drookt): A group of two or more kriegers led by an edler.

Du Spinnst Wohl (doo spinst vole): Curse meaning "spinning lies" or "liar."


Edler (ed-ler): Leader of a drucht.

Einheit (ine-HITE): A group of 30-60 soldaten. Its warriors are much more highly trained than those in a drucht. The plural form is einheiten.


File (file): A group of 5 soldaten led by a rottmeister. Five to ten files make up an einheit. Its warriors are much more highly trained than most kriegers.


Hacksilver (hack-SYLL-ver): A form of wealth common in the Kreisens, the Seven Kingdoms, and Svellheim. They are strips of silver scored so that smaller portions of the strip may be hacked off.

Hafnkreisen (HAWV-en-KRY-zen): A kreisen centered around a port. Given the scarcity of good ports in the Kreisens, these tend to be larger and more wealthy than most.

Hurensohn (HURR-en-SOWN): Curse meaning "son of a bitch."


Khreyn (crane): Horseradish.

Kirschwasser (crane): A cherry brandy.

Kotzbrocken (KOTZ-BRO-ken): Curse meaning "pile of puke."

Kreisarch (KRY-zark): Literally "leader of a kreisen" in Imperial. It has become the standard term in both Imperial and Kreisic, though other, local terms for the position are often used as well.

Kreisen (KRY-zen): Region. A kreisen has no particular size and can be as small as a single manor or a large province. It is all dependent upon the amount of area the kreisarch can control.

Krieger (KREE-gher): Warrior. Highly-trained warriors are called soldaten.


Oma (OH-ma): Grandmother.

Onionhead: Pejorative term for Periaslavlans.


Rueckenkreisarch (ROO-ken-KRY-zark): A kreisarch of a kreisen near the Rueckenberge. They tend to be crueler and less educated than most.

Rueckenkreisen (ROO-ken-KRY-zen): A kreisen near the Rueckenberge. These tend to be small and poor than most.

Rottmeister (ROT-my-ster): A leader of five soldaten.


Scheisskerl (SHYSS-kerl): Curse meaning "shithead."

Soldat (SOUL-dot): Highly-trained warrior. The plural form is soldaten.

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