Sundries  »  Languages

Old Akkermenian Language

Old Akkermenian Language

Continents: Karelia, Kalisharica
Realms: No modern realm

Old Akkermenian is the language spoken Akkermenian Empire.

All that remains of it are fragementary stone tablets and inscriptions on ruins. It only of interest to scholars and Chroniclers. Below is a Lexicon listing scholars' best guess for the few bits of language, pronunciation, and meaning they have discovered.

However, some scholars question whether any words in Old Akkermenian have survived. These suggest that the words extrapolated in the Lexicon below have insufficient evidence of their provenance and existence.

Some scholars are more confident, suggesting this is the language used by the Kolossoi and that it should be more properly called "Kolossoian." However, this suggestion has been generally discounted in recent centuries.

Nevertheless, no scholar in the current age truly knows the origin of Old Akkermenian, of its angular script, or any words or grammar used within it.




Kalhmoi (kall-MOY): Unit of length, as yet undetermined.


Lehpoi (LAY-poy): Servant. See also Lehpoi.


Sohletho (sow-LAY-tho): Family kin group.
