Mages Locations  »  Svellheim  »  Helvik

Veikko of Haapavesa

Veikko of Haapavesa

Race: Human
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5 ft 6 in
Weight: 215 lbs


12 Ironmoon 1953 IR


VAY-ek-ko of ha-ah-PA-VAY-sa

Appears In

A Lake Most Deep
The Eyes of a Doll
Where Now the Rider
Farewell, My Ugly
I Am a Wondrous Thing
Brief Is My Flame
None Call Me Mother
The Door Into Winter

Veikko of Haapavesa is a loremaster and a Chronicler from Haapavesa, Helvik Steading, Svellheim.

He is accounted one of the greatest loremasters in Eard. He was one of the youngest people to ever join the Chroniclers, and in his twenties he founded Froðheim in Haapavesa, which has quickly become one of the most prestigious centers of learning in Svellheim.

Here at Froðheim, Veikko has fostered many mages of all types. These include Egill Thorgrimssen and Heithrun Batsell.

At various times, he has served as councilor to several of Svellheim's konungs, including Snorri Erikssen. However, these times have never lasted as long as the konungs wish, as Veikko has chosen to spend much of his life traveling across Eard.

He has risen up the ranks of the Chroniclers, and is one of their preeminent members. He corresponds with mages, scholars, and sages around Eard, including Bedarth Liffrea of the Seven Kingdoms.

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