Sundries  »  Magic in Eard


Many runelords use runes to shape their magic. Here is a partial list and their effects.


Belja (BEL-dzha): It can help reduce fatigue and allow feats of amazing stamina. However, by providing physical energy, it reduces the magical energy available to a runelord.

Bharga (BAR-dzha): It urges others to not look carefully at it, providing something akin to invisibility.

Bheidhja (be-HAID-dzha): It can help make a person more convincing or accepted by others.


Dremja (DREMM-dzha): It helps or forces a person to sleep.


Hreyja (ha-REY-dzha): It helps its bearer heal quickly, depending upon the amount of energy channeled into it.


Isaz (EE-sahz): When inscribed upon a container, it will help keep the contents from spoiling.


Kobija (koe-BEE-dzha): Inscribing one in at least three different places makes their bounded area safer and less prone to accidents.

Kehdja (KAY-dzha): It encourages those who see it to be crueler or more savage.

Keikja (ka-EEK-dzha): When combined with the touja, prekja, and wehtja runes it makes a person luckier.

Kuwrosoq (koo-ra-SOAK): It makes the person bearing it significantly stronger.

Kwyeja (KWY-eh-dzha): It is used to help keep things quieter, such as footwear or armor.

Kyedja (ky-AID-dzha): By inscribing them at least three spots, it makes the area inside them significantly quieter.


Magneuja (mag-NEY-ooh-dzha): It is used to help negate or block something.

Meditarja (MED-uh-TAR-dzha): By inscribing them at least three places, it makes the area inside them inert allowing a runelord to practice without fear of accidentally releasing undesired magic.


Oqosja (uh-KOSE-dzha): By inscribing them in at least two places, it will warn a runelord when someone or something crosses their line.


Pehja (PAY-dzha): When inscribed on a container, it will help protect the contents from harm.

Prekja (PREKK-dzha): When combined with the keikja, touja, and wehtja runes it makes a person luckier.


Swepja (SWEP-ya): Causes a person to sleep.


Touja (toe-OOH-dzha): When combined with the keikja, prekja, and wehtja runes it makes a person luckier.


Wehtja (WAYT-dzha): When combined with the prekja, touja, and keikja runes it makes a person luckier.

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