Jeremena Gropa
Race: Human
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5 ft 7 in
Weight: 161 lbs
9 Sunpeak 2058 IR
YAIR-ah-MAY-na GROW-pa
Appears In
Jeremena Gropa is a member of the Gropa Council in Achrida, Dassaretum Province, Empire of Makhaira.
She is primarily responsible for handling the clan's trade and commerce.
From the Books
Jeremena Gropa reminded me of an ealdmodor before her hearth. She had tried to pull her gray hair back in a neat bun, but strands escaped in several directions. Her plain clothing had been skillfully patched in several places. I almost expected her to bring out something baked, smelling of apples and nutmeg, until I saw her eyes. They looked at me, calculating my worth to the nearest penny.
A Lake Most Deep