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Locations  »  The Kreisens  »  Hafnkreisens  »  Demmenkreisen Sundries  »  Heraldry

Founded: 2012 IR
Continent: Karelia
Realm: Kreisens
Main Settlement: Demmen
Kreisarch: Matthias Burgmeister



Demmenkreisen is one of the largest and wealthiest of the Kreisens. It is a hafnkreisen located where the Raxa River empties into Woden’s Sea. Its kreisarch is Matthias Burgmeister.

It borders northwestern Periaslavl and is close to Mstovgorod and the mouth of the Mstov River. Its largest town is Demmen, which is a major port specializing in transshipping goods from Svellheim and Periaslavl. Other towns in Demmenkreisen include Mojne and Mering.



Demmenkreisen's banner is a golden mermaid armed with a double-headed battleaxe on a blue background.


Events in I Am a Wondrous Thing 
