Anakletos Pavle is a horse trainer in Achrida, Dassaretum Province, Empire of Makhaira.
He is a member of the Enchelei
He is one of the best trainers of horses running in the Hippodrome of Achrida. His horses win, and especially place, far more often than others.
He hates Melanthios Nikola and works to both undermine his training and defeat him in every race.
From the Books
The person who despised Melanthios the most might very well have been Anakletos. He was young, handsome, and dashing. He’d been a great rider before turning to training. He had a reputation for knowing horses, and Pherenike speculated he had some small magical talent as a beastmaster. Not enough to be cheating, but enough that horses jumped out of their skin for him. He’d been successful prior to this recent stretch, but again, had done far better these past two years than ever.
- Farewell, My Ugly