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Periaslavlan Language

Periaslavlan Language

Continent: Allyria
Realms: Matriarchate of Periaslavl

Periaslavlan is the language spoken in Periaslavl. It grew out of Old Periaslavlan Language.




Arshin (ar-SHEEN): Unit of measure in Periaslavl. It is approximately 28 inches or three quarters of a yard.


Balvan (BAL-van): Curse meaning "idiot."

Bashmaki (bash-MAWK-ee): Soft leather shoes, usually ankle high.

Bliad (blee-ADD): Curse meaning "cheap whore."

Blini: Pancakes which are topped with a large variety of other foods. See Blini for a recipe.

Boyar (BOY-arr): A person, generally of the noble class, that is assigned some position within the Matriarchate of Periaslavl. They may serve as a town governor, a landholder, or hold an office within the country's bureaucracy.

Bratishka (bra-TEESH-ka): Little brother, used as a term of endearment.


Chush’ Sobach’ya (CHOOSH so-BACH-ya): Curse meaning "bullshit."

Chyort Voz’mi (CHAI-ort VOHZ-me): Curse meaning "damn it" or "oh, shit."


Dedushka (de-DOOSH-ka): Means grandfather. Often use as a term for the patriarch of a family or izba.

Devochka (de-VOHCH-ka): Girl, sometimes "little girl."

Dvorjanka (duh-VOR-YANK-a): Mistress or ma'am.


Gospodin (GAWS-poh-DEEN): Milord.

Govno (guv-NO): Curse meaning "shit."


Izba (izz-BA): A small community or manor in Periaslavl. Generally, their members come from one or two clans and they have a lord's hall, family homes, and communal facilities such a smithy, barns, and fields.


Khvorosty (kuh-VO-ros-tee): Sugar dusted fried pastries. See Khvorosty for a recipe.

Khreyn (crane): Horseradish.

Kissel (KIH-sell): A dessert consisting of thickened fruit juice. See Kissel for a recipe.

Kniaz (nee-AZ): Ruler of an oblast. They are assigned by the Great Mothers, though they usually assign the title to the children of the previous kniaz.

Kokoshnik (ka-KOSH-nik): A formal headdress, usually elaborately decorated and adorned with ryasni.

Kopeck (KOE-pek): The kopeck is a common unit of currency in the Matriarchate of Periaslavl. It is copper and ten of them are worth one ruble.


Lunnitsy (loo-NIT-see): An artistic pattern of made of crescent moons. Often used in textiles.


Medovukha (med-OH-VOO-kah): A lighter, less alcoholic mead.

Mu'dak (moo-DAK): Sometimes expressed as "mudakiy" (moo-da-KYE). Curse meaning "asshole."


Oblast (oh-BLAWST): A large administrative unit in the Matriarchate of Periaslavl ruled by a kniaz. As of 2111 IR, there are 23 oblasts in Periaslavl.

Opashen (oh-PASH-en): Overcoat worn by Periaslavlan women usually for formal occasions.

Opolcheniye (oh-POL-che-nay-uh): Can be translated as 'people's army,' it is the levied militia of Periaslavl.


Panova (pa-NO-va): Skirt worn by lower-class Periaslavlan women.

Pelmeni (PELL-men-ee): A dish of meat dumplings. See Pelmeni for a recipe.

Perepecha (pear-uh-PETCH-ah): Pancakes. See Perepecha for a recipe.

Pirozhok (pier-oh-ZHOWK): Pastry stuffed with a wide variety of fillings, both savory and sweet. The plural form is pirozhki. See Pirozhok for a recipe.

Pomestnik (vest-NEEK): Highly-trained feudal cavalry. The plural form is pomestniki. See Pomestnik.

Pokhlyobka (POE-kye-LYOB-ka): A thick porridge or soup . See Pokhlyobka for a recipe.

Prianiki (pier-oh-ZHOWK): A Periaslavlan spice cake. See Prianiki for a recipe.


Razbonik (raz-BOE-neek): Brigand. The plural form is razboniki.

Rkatsiteli (er-KAT-suh-tell-ee): A dry, spicy, and floral wine from southern Periaslavl.

Rogulya (roe-GUL-ya): Periaslavlan fried rolls. See Rogulya for a recipe.

Ruble (ROO-ble): The ruble is the main unit of currency in the Matriarchate of Periaslavl. It is silver and is worth ten copper kopecks.

Ryasni (ree-AZ-knee): Strings of jewels and pearls which frame the face worn by Periaslavlan women for formal occasions.


Shashlyk (shash-LEEK): Meat (of any type) skewered with onions and other vegetables. See Shashlyk for a recipe.

Shchi (shee): A thick and hearty soup, usually served with smetana. See Shchi for a recipe.

Shubki (shoob-KEY): Overcoat.

Smetana (smuh-TA-na): Sour cream.

Stolnik (stohl-NEEK): Steward.


Tvorog (tuh-VOR-ahg): Cottage cheese.


Ubrus (oo-BRUCE): Silken head cloth worn by Periaslavlan women.


Vatrushka (va-TROOSH-ka): Pastry similar to a Danish. See Vatrushka for a recipe.

Versta (ver-STA): Unit of measure in Periaslavl. It is 1500 arshin, or about 3500 feet, slightly longer than a kilometer.

Vestnik (vest-NEEK): Literally, "herald" or "messenger." It is the term for highly-trained servants of the Great Mother, often serving as troubleshooters or spies. The plural form is vestniki. See Vestnik.

Volkhv (VOL-kiv): Priest.


Zolata (zoh-LAH-ta): Gold.

Zurek (ZOO-rek): A sour soup usually made with rye. See Zurek for a recipe.
