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Rob Howell and his favorite mug, photo by Kate Gill

Welcome to the home of best-selling author Rob Howell and his Firehall Sagas. Here you will find all the characters, locations, and everything else in the world of Eard and the Firehall Sagas.

“Rob mixes intrigue, murder, and magic into his own cool blend.”
– Larry Correia

FSE 1   A Lake Most Deep 400 It's live! A Lake Most Deep came out on July 25th with new art, new edits, and new maps. Thanks to J. Caleb Design for the awesome art and the team at New Mythology Press for making it happen.

Get A Lake Most Deep here: amazon.com/dp/B0CCKVLPBL.

“A damn fine read!”
– Glen Cook, about A Lake Most Deep

Achrida 1200 Did I mention new maps courtesy of the amazing Sean Stallings? First, there's this awesome new full color map of Achrida, where all the action in A Lake Most Deep takes place.
Map of the World of Eard Then there's this cool new map of Eard.

Click the thumbnails for larger versions.

“You're going to love Edward's adventures! It's like Harry
Bosch got crossed with Uhtred of Bebbanburgh!”
– D.J. Butler

FSE 2   The Eyes Of A Doll 400 But wait there's more! Edward's adventures continue in The Eyes of a Doll. A little girl asks Edward to help find her doll. There's no way that could lead to intrigue, murder, and treachery, right?

Get The Eyes of a Doll here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CGMV3B91.

FSE 3   Where Now The Rider 400 Edward fulfills a promise in Where Now the Rider, despite the fact everyone wants the dead left buried. It leads to something far more sinister than anyone knew, and Edward must fight the greatest evil he's ever seen.

Get Where Now the Rider here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/product/B0CK6Q8TYV

“I shouldn’t have started this book at 2230. I should
have known better. I do know better. All three of these
have done violence to my sleep, and I did it willingly.
I look forward to another
– Greg Gagnon, KU Reader

Rob Howell performing a portion of Beowulf at Pennsic, photo by Kate Gill

More About Eard

The World of the Firehall Sagas

There is a Timeline of Eard here. If you're curious about the Magic in Eard, click here. If you want to see maps, please go to the Maps of Eard page.

The folk of this world live in interesting times, though they don't know it yet.

Behind it all are the secrets of Rurik's Pyre, which sits in the Firehall of the Great Mothers of Periaslavl. The time has come for those secrets to come to light.

So come inside, readers. There's an adventure waiting for you.

More About Rob

Rob Howell is the publisher of New Mythology Press , including his work as editor of the Libri Valoris anthologies of heroic fantasy. Here he is with his favorite mug (Photo by Kate Gill).

He’s the creator of the Firehall Sagas and an author in the Four Horsemen Universe . He writes epic fantasy, space opera, military science fiction, alternate history, redneck horror, and whatever else seems fun.

He is a reformed medieval academic, a former IT professional, and a retired soda jerk.

His parents discovered books were the only way to keep Rob quiet. He latched onto the Hardy Boys series first and then anything he could reach. Without books, it’s unlikely all three would have survived.
He loves Old English poetry. Here's Rob performing a portion of Beowulf in Old English in a firehall at Pennsic (Photo by Kate Gill). That love is what got him interested in writing riddles for his Patreon.

The Firehall Sagas are tales from a world filled with wars and intrigue, shining steel and powerful spells, heroes and villains. Murder mysteries solved by Edward Aethelredson and great quests led by Irina Ivanovna are just two of the stories recounted here.

Find Rob Online

Website: robhowell.org

His Blog: robhowell.org/blog

Amazon: amazon.com/-/e/B00X95LBB0

Twitter: @Rhodri2112