Emilija Stampalija
Race: Human
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5 ft 7 in
Weight: 146 lbs
27 Yuletide 2073 IR
EH-meel-ee-ya STAM-pawl-ee-ja
Appears In
A Lake Most Deep
The Eyes of a Doll
Where Now the Rider
"Magnum Opus," first published in Songs of Valor
Emilija Stampalija is a prostitute and member of the kral run by Katarina Kopanja in Achrida, Dassaretum Province, Empire of Makhaira.
From the Books
At one table, Emilija idly chatted with Marko. Emilija enjoyed, I think, actually talking to men, since she spent her evenings telling them what they wanted to hear, while also pleasing them in other ways. In any case, though all knew her profession, we never saw her do business at the Faerie.
- The Eyes of a Doll