Race: Human
Hair: Light brown
Eyes: Green
Height: 5 ft 11 in
Weight: 177 lbs
Parents: Constantius Makrembolites, Elene Makrembolites
Spouse: Caecilia Mariamne
Children: Demetrios Makrembolites
26 Harvestmoon 544 IR
29 Joymoon 601 IR
Feast of the Moon 569 IR
BAZZ-ill MAK-rem-bow-lah-TEES
Basil II Makrembolites was Emperor of the Empire of Sabinia (now known as the Old Empire) from 569 - 601 IR.
During his reign the Empire of Sabinia expanded greatly, and many new cities were founded, including the Great City of Basilopolis.
In 591 IR, he moved his court to Basilopolis. This began the transition from the Old Empire to the current Empire of Makhaira.
In an unusually tranquil set of successions, he followed his childless uncle, Basil I Makrembolites and was in turn succeeded by his son Demetrios Makrembolites. The stability of the Makrembolite Dynasty during the reign of these three active and capable rulers helped the Old Empire lay a strong foundation during its second century. It did not hurt that Basil's mother Elena Makrembolites was revered in her life and became a goddess after her death.