Military Figures Locations  »  Empire of Makhaira  »  Dassaretum Province Locations  »  Empire of Makhaira  »  Basilopolis

Bardas Parsakoutenos

Race: Human
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6 ft 3 in
Weight: 241 lbs


9 Bloodmoon 2063 IR


BAR-das PAR-sa-koo-TEE-nohs

Bardas Parsakoutenos is the strategos of the Legio XVIII Dassaretica stationed in Achrida, Dassaretum Province, Empire of Makhaira.

His responsibilities include defending the province against outside threats, but of late Emperor Nikephoros II has had him planning major assaults into the Matriarchate of Periaslavl.

At one point, he frequented the company of Antonija Tomcic.

He is originally from Basilopolis, a scion of the Parsakoutenos Family, which is noted for its martial prowess.
