Underworld Figures Locations  »  Empire of Makhaira  »  Dassaretum Province

Aca Jankovich

Race: Human
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Dark brown
Height: 5 ft 8 in
Weight: 169 lbs


20 Firstmonth 2084 IR


ah-KA YANK-oh-vich

Distinguishing Marks

Scar on left forearm and a tattoo of bone dice on left shoulder

Aca Jankovich is a member of the kral run by Gibroz Kasun in the city of Achrida, Dassaretum Province, Empire of Makhaira. He ran errands and carried messages for the kral.

He is known as a gambler who preferred dice games.


Spoilers from The Eyes of a Doll 


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