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Locations  »  Matriarchate of Periaslavl Locations  »  Rajanate of Amaranth
Kolyvan Mountains

Continent: Eastern Allyria



The Kolyvan Mountains are a large mountain range running north-south in Eastern Matriarchate of Periaslavl and western Amaranth.

The source of many rivers in the realm lies in these mountains, including the Amyr River, Bashkal River, Irtysh River and the Mstov River. The Irmak River and Medinar River flow westward into Amaranth.

There are many mineral deposits in these mountains. There are no extraordinary examples, but the quantity of each is astounding, making mining a major factor throughout the range.

In many places, travel through the Kolyvans is difficult, if not impossible. A few important passes allow for travel east to west, however.